2023-10-08 00:00
News Code: 483919

Statement of student mobilization of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad; 

Statement of student mobilization of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad; 

O Palestinian soldiers of God! Know and be aware that the "Aqsa Storm" lit a light in the hearts of young people in all parts of the Islamic world; From the promise of victory to the glory of martyrdom. Today, we say to the scholars of Baytul-Maqdis, (the call of "God will punish them for their killers" has reached our ears; it will not be too late for the day when we shout the call of "Ja'ul-Haq" in Al-Quds

to report «iusnews»; "Aqsa Storm" is a light in the hearts of young people in all corners of the Islamic world

According to the reporter of student organizations "Newsletter of Iran Students"; The Student Basij of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad issued a statement in response to the major operation of the Al-Aqsa storm by the Palestinian resistance.

The full text of the statement is as follows:

The great work of Martyr Soleimani was to revive the resistance.

Bismillah al-Qasim al-Jabareen

And kill them where they are, and leave them from where you leave. Sajd al-Haram until you kill them in it, so if they kill you, then kill them, like the punishment of the disbelievers.

And kill them [who do not refrain from polytheism, disbelief, and hunger] wherever you find them, and drive them out of the place where they drove you out, because sedition [which is driving people out of their homes, houses, and lands] from killing and Killing is worse. And do not fight with them near Masjid al-Haram unless they fight you there. So if they fight you, kill them, that is the reward and punishment of the disbelievers. Baqarah (191)

Salutations to the martyrs of the resistance and the great number of Mujahideen who sacrificed their lives in this way; From Martyr Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and Martyr Seyed Abbas Mousavi, Martyr Fathi Shaghaghi, Martyr Emad Mughniyeh, Martyr Abdulaziz Rantisi, Martyr Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, and finally, the prominent figure of the resistance martyrs, Martyr Qassem Soleimani.

And God's peace be upon the Mujahideen who, in the path of Islam, are earnestly purifying this holy land from the presence of demons, usurpers, and criminals.

Today, once again, the resistance hit the Zionist apartheid regime with its thumb. The fear of "Junaud Allah" gripped the dirty and black hearts of usurpers and murderers, and this is the fulfillment of the promise of divine help.

God's hand is here. The criminals who shed the blood of innocent children for 8 decades are now tasting a small compensation of their oppression and occupation. And .indeed God is a just judge

O Palestinian soldiers of God! Know and be aware that the "Aqsa Storm" lit a light in the hearts of young people in all parts of the Islamic world; From the promise of victory to the glory of martyrdom. Today, we say to the scholars of Bayt al-Maqdis, (Your call of "God will punish them for their killers" has reached our ears; it will not be too late for the day when we shout the call of "Ja' al-Haq" in Al-Quds)

And as for the Zionist criminals; Know that resistance is the great lesson of the martyrs who sacrificed their blood for Islam and Muslims. Know that today's defense operation of the Palestinian youth is the result of your child killing and oppression in the past decades.

Occupied lands are the inalienable and historical right of Palestinians, and occupation and racism are condemned by history.

Today, supporting the oppressed nation of Palestine is the duty of every human being and Muslim. According to our duty, we also support any action for the realization of the rights of the Palestinians and the end of the occupation and racism with our blood.

Peace be upon you and may God have mercy on you

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